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Dimov A., Ivanova D., Vasileva F.; „Design, methodology and purposes of the Third National Survey in diagnostic radiology. Scientific works of the union of scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv; Series G. Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine, Vol. XIX, House of Scientists, Plovdiv, June 2016, ISSN 1311-9427, 130-134.

Иванова Д., Василева Ж., Загорска А., Костова-Лефтерова Д., Симеонов Ф.; История и развитие на границите на дозата за професионално облъчване на населението; Scientific works of the union of scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv. Series G. Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine, Vol. XIX, House of Scientists, Plovdiv, June 2016, ISSN 1311-9427, 143-146 (in Bulgarian).

Симеонов Ф., Василева Ж., Иванова Д., Костова-Лефтерова Д.; Намаляване на дозата на пациентите в рентгеновата диагностика с помощта на диагностични референтни нива; Scientific works of the union of scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv; Series G. Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine, Vol. XIX, House of Scientists, Plovdiv, June 2016, ISSN 1311-9427, 110-113 (in Bulgarian).

Ivanova D. at al.; Staff doses in fluoroscopically guided invasive diagnostic and interventional urology procedures; Book of abstracts, 1st European congress of medical physics, Athens, Greece, 01-05.09.2016.
Simeonov F. at al.; Web based national patient dose survey in diagnostic and interventional radiology: preliminary results and analysis of survey performance; Book of abstracts, 1st European congress of medical physics, Athens, Greece, 01-05.09.2016.

Dimov A., Tsanev I., Ivanova D., Simeonov F.; Third National Patient Dose Survey in Diagnostic Radiology for Establishing of New National DRLs in Bulgaria; First Results. Book of proceedings of the XII-th National medical physics and biomedical engineering conference – NMPEC, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3- 5 November 2016, 265-279. ISBN:978-954-91589-4-6.

Tsanev I., Dimov A.; National Database for Patient Dose Registration and Analysis in Diagnostic Radiology; Book of proceedings of the XII-th National medical physics and biomedical engineering conference – NMPEC, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3- 5 November 2016, 51-60. ISBN:978-954-91589-4-6.

Dimov A., Kasparyan G., Vassileva F., Tsanev I., Simeonov F.; Application of EFOMP and EUREF Quality Control protocols in evaluation of a modern full field digital mammography system; Book of proceedings of the XII-th National medical physics and biomedical engineering conference – NMPEC, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3- 5 November 2016, 93-99. ISBN:978-954-91589-4-6.

Avramova-Cholakova, S., Dimcheva M., Petrova E., Garcheva M., Dimitrova M., Palashev Y. and Vassileva J.; Patient doses from hybrid SPECT-CT procedures; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 424-429.
Avramova-Cholakova, S., Ivanova S., Petrova E., Garcheva M. and Vassileva J.; Patient doses from PET-CT procedures; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 430-433.

Avramova-Cholakova, S., Lilkov G., Kaneva M., Terziev K., Nakov I., Mutkurov N., Kovacheva D., Ivanova M. and Vasilev D.; Eight years of quality control in Bulgaria – impact on mammography practice; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 359-362.

Vassileva J., Simeonov F., Avramova-Cholakova S.; Online data collection platform for national dose surveys in diagnostic and interventional radiology; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 121-124.

Gancheva M., Diakov I., Vassileva J., Avramova-Cholakova S., Taseva D.; Dosimetry methods for multi detector computed tomography; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 190-193.

Dyakov I., Stoinova V., Groudeva V. and Vassileva J.; The influence of novel CT reconstruction technique and ECG-gated technique on image quality and patient dose; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 182-184.

Al-Amin M., Dyakov I., Vassileva J., Hadjidekov V.; Cuting down the radiation dose on СТ urography-how it is done and what results are received?; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 172-174.

Hristova-Popova J., Zagorska A., Saltirov I., Petkova K. and Vassilevа J.; Risk of radiation exposure to medical staff involved in interventional endourology; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 268-271.

Kostova-Lefterova D., Taseva D., Hristova-Popova J., Vassileva J.; Optimisation of paediatric chest radiography; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 231-234.

Romanova K., Vassileva J., Alyakov M.; Radiation exposure to the eye lens of orthopaedic surgeons during various orthopaedic procedures; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 310-313.

Vassileva J., Rehani M., Kostova-Lefterova D. et al.; A study to establish international diagnostic reference levels for paediatric computed tomography; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 70-80.

Vassileva. J., Rehani M.; Patient grouping for dose surveys and establishment of diagnostic reference levels in paediatric computed tomography; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 81-85.

Bly R., Jahnen A., Jarvinen H., Olerud H., Vassileva J. and Vogiatzi S.; Collective effective dose in Europe from X-ray and nuclear medicine procedures; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 129-132.

Jahnen A., Jarvinen H., Olerud H., Vassileva J., Vogiatzi S., Shannoun F., Bly R.; Analisys of factors correlating with medical radiological examination frequences; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 133-136.

Bosmans H., Bliznakova K., Padovani R., Christofides S., Van Peteghem N., Tsapaki V., Caruana C.J., Vassileva J.; EUTEMPE-RX, an EC supported FP7 project for the training and education of medical physics experts in radiology; Rad. Prot. Dosim., 2015, 165 (1-4), 518-522.

Gennaro G., Avramova-Cholakova S., Azzalini A., Chapel M.L., Chevalier M., Ciraj O., H. de las Heras, Gershan V., Hemdal B., Keavey E., Lanconelli N., Menhart S., Fartaria M.J., Pascoal A., Pedersen K., Rivetti S., Roda A., Rossetti V., Semturs F., Sharp P., Torresin A.; Quality Controls in Digital Mammography; Protocol of the EFOMP Mammo Working Group. EFOMP, 2015.

Христова-Попова Ю., Салтиров И., Петкова К., Василев В., Тасева Д., Дяков И., Василева Ж., Аврамова-Чолакова С.; Лъчево натоварване на пациента при екстракорпорална литотрипсия на камъни в бъбрека и уретера; Ендоурология и минималноинвазивна хирургия, 2015, 3(1), 25-30.

Костова-Лефтерова Д.; Два случая в България на лъчево изгаряне на кожата след перкутанна коронарна интервенция.; Наука Кардиология, 2015, 6:326-328.

Аврамова-Чолакова С., Гарчева М., Димчева М., Петрова Е., Иванова С., Димитрова М., Палашев Й.; Национално проучване на дозите на пациентите при хибридните методи в нуклеарната медицина – SPECT-CT и PET-CT; Рентгенология и радиология, 2014 (4)

Avramova-Cholakova S.; Dosimetry methods used in contemporary mammography clinical practice; Radiation Protection Journal, 2014 (3):36-45.

Vassileva J., Rehani M.M., Applegate K., et al.; IAEA survey of paediatric computed tomography practice in 40 countries in Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa: procedures and protocols; Eurоpean Radiology, 2013 March; 23(3):623-31.

Vassileva J., Vano E., Ubeda C., Rehani M. and Zotova R.; Impact of the X-ray setting on patient dose and image quality: a case study with two interventifnal cardiology sistems; Rad Prot Dosimetry, 2013, Jul; 155(3):329-34.

Malone J., Baldelli P., Balter S., Bischof N., Bosmans H., Dowling A., Edvvean S., Gallagher A., Faulkner K., Horner K., Malone R., Mclean I.D., O’Connor U., Shreiner A., Vassileva J., Vano E., Zoetelief J.; Criteria and suspension levels in diagnostic radiology.; Radiat Prot. Dosim.; 2013 Feb; 153(2):185-9. Doi 10.1093/rpd/ncs295. Epub 2012 Nov 21.

Аврамова-Чолакова С., Дилова Н., Гигова Л.; Протокол за оптимален избор на анодно напрежение при мамографски уредби с анодна мишена и допълнителен филтър от молибден; Рентгенология и радиология, 2013, 52(2), 134-138.

Василева Ж., Ингилизова К., Димов А., Караджов А., Аврамова-Чолакова С., Борисова Р., Стоянов Д., Стоянова Т., Христова-Попова Ю., Костова-Лефтерова Д., Дяков И., Ганчева M., Тасева Д.; Национални проучвания на дозите на пациентите в рентгенологията и нуклеарната медицина 2002-2013; София, НЦРРЗ, 2013, 67 с. ISBN 978-619-90135-4-0.

Vassileva J., Avramova-Cholakova S., Borisova R., Stoyanov D., Dimov A., Kostova-Lefterova D., Diakov I., Hristova-Popova J., Taseva D.; National survey in diagnostic radiology and diagnostic reference levels – methodology and recent update; March 2012 – European Congress of Radiology, EPOS. 10.1594/ecr2012/C – 1582.

Vassileva J., Hadjiangelov H.; Dosimetry in dental cone beam CT; March 2012 – European Congress of Radiology, EPOS. 10.1594/ecr2012/C – 1705.

Todorov V., Vassileva J., Popitz R., Israel M.; 40th Anniversary оf the Bulgarian Society оf Biomedical Physics аnd Engineering – European Medical Physics News. Winter 2011/12

Vassileva J., Rehani M., Al-Dhuhli H., Al-Naemi H.M., Al-Suwaidi J.S., Appelgate K, Arandjic D., Bashier E.H., Beganovic A., Benavente T., et al.; IAEA survey of pediatric CT practice in 40 countries in Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa: Part 1. Frequency and Appropriateness – American Journal of Roentgenology AJR May 2012 vol. 198: 51021-1031.
Zotova R., Vassileva J., Hristova J., Pirinen M., Järvinen H.; A national patient dose survey and setting of reference levels for interventional radiology in Bulgaria – European Radiology 2012 Jun; 22(6):1240-9.

Ciraj-Bjelac, O., Avramova-Cholakova S., Beganovic A. et al.; Image quality and dose in mammography in 17 countries in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe: Results from IAEA projects – European Journal of Radiology 2012 Sep;81(9):2161-8.

Vassileva J., Rehani M.M., Applegate K., Ahmed N.A., Al -Dhuhli H., Al-Naemi H.M., et al.; IAEA survey of paediatric computed tomography practice in 40 countries in Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa: procedures and protocols – European Radiology 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s00330 – 012 – 2639 – 3.

Vassileva J., Rehani M.; Current issues in radiation protection in medicine. Editorial – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2011; 147: 1-2, 1-2.

Hristova-Popova J., Saltirov I., Vassileva J.; Exposure to patient during interventional endourological procedures – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2011; 147: 1-2, 114-117.

Kostova-Lefterova D., Taseva D., Ingilizova K., Hristova J., Vassileva J.; Potential for optimization of paediatric chest X-ray examination – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2011; 147: 1-2, 168-170. 

Kostova-Lefterova D., Vassileva J.; Survey of practice in paediatric computed tomography – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2011; 147: 1-2, 156-159. 

Avramova-Cholakova S., Vassileva J.; A survey of the state of mammography practice in Bulgaria – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2011; 147: 1-2, 184-186.

Vassileva J., Stoyanov D.; Quality control and patient dosimetry in dental cone beam CT – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2010; 139(1 – 3): 310-2.

Korpela H., Bly R., Vassileva J., Ingilizova K., Stoyanova T., Kostadinova I., Slavchev A.; Recently revised diagnostic reference levels in nuclear medicine in Bulgaria and in Finland – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2010; 139(1 – 3): 317-20
Gfirtner H., Kaplanis P.A., Moores B.M., Schneider P., Vassileva J.; A study in Europe of patient dosimetry in diagnostic radiology: protocol development and findings – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2010; 139(1-3): 380 – 7

Vassileva J., Stankova I., Borisova R., Kleiman N., Vaño E., Rehani M.; Radiation eye injuries in medical staff working with fluoroscopy guided procedures in Bulgaria; Vienna, March 2010 – European Congress of Radiology, EPOS. DOI: 10.1594/ecr2010/C – 2100.

Avramova-Cholakova, S., Vassileva J.; Dependence of mean glandular dose on compression plate position – Book of extended synopsis, International Symposium on Standards, Applications and Quality Assurance in Medical Radiation Dosimetry; Vienna, Austria, 8-12 November 2010.

Borisova R., Vassileva J.; Influence of detector type and position on KAP – meter calibration on fluoroscopy and angiography units – Book of extended synopsis, International Symposium on Standards, Applications and Quality Assurance in Medical Radiation Dosimetry; Vienna, Austria, 8-12 November 2010.

Василева Ж., Борисова Р., Стоянов Д., Димов А., Аврамова-Чолакова С., Ингилизова К., Костова-Лефтерова Д., Христова-Попова Ю., Дяков И., Тасева Д., Дисиева Д.; Национално проучване в рентгеновата диагностика в България 2007-2009; Рентгенология и радиология, 2010, 49(4), 251-264.

Костова-Лефтерова Д., Василева Ж.; Проучване на практиката при компютър – томографските изследвания на деца и възможности за намаляване на лъчевото натоварване на пациентите; Рентгенология и радиология, 2010, 49(4), 271-276.

Аврамова-Чолакова С., Дилова Н., Трифонов Л.; Фактори, влияещи върху качеството на образа в рентгеновата мамография; Рентгенология и радиология, 4, 2010.

Vassileva J.; Towards higher level of patient safety and control of medical exposure in Bulgaria – Proceedings of the World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 7 – 12 September 2009, IFMBE Vol. 25/3, 576 – 577, DOI: 10.1007/978 – 3 – 642 – 03902 – 7 – 165.

Vassileva J.; Present status of Medical Radiological Physics in Bulgaria – Proceedings of the World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 7-12 September 2009, IFMBE Vol. 25/3, pp. 330 – 331.

Avramova-Cholakova S., Vassileva J., Borisova R. and Atanasova I.: An estimate of the influence of the measurement procedure on patient and phantom doses in breast imaging – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2008; 129(1-3):150-154.

Dimov A. and Vassileva J.; Assessment of performance of a new digital image intensifier fluoroscopy system – Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2008; 129: 123-126.

Borisova R.,. Ingilizova Ch., Vassileva J.; Patient Dosimetry In Paediatric Diagnostic Radiology – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2008; 129(1-3):155-159.

Vano E., Jarvinen H., Kosunen A., Bly R., Malone J., Dowling A., Larkin A., Padovani R., Bosmans H., Dragusin O., Jaschke W., Torbica P., Back C., Schreiner A., Bokou C., Kottou S., Tsapaki V., Jankowski J., Papierz S., Domienik J., Werduch A., Nikodemova D., Salat D., Kepler K., Bor M. D., Vassileva J., Borisova R., Pellet S. and Corbett R. H.; Patient dose in interventional radiology: a European survey – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2008; 129(1-3):39-45

Padovani R., Vano E., Trianni A., Bokou C., Bosmans H., Bor D., Jankowski J., Torbica P., Kepler K., Dowling A., Milu C., Tsapaki V., Salat D., Vassileva J. and Faulkner K.; Reference levels at European level for cardiac Interventional procedures – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2008; 129:104-107.

Foti C., Padovani R., Trianni A., Bokou C., Christofides S., Corbett R.H., Kepler K., Korenová Z., Kosunen A., Malone J., Torbica P., Tsapaki V., Vano E., Vassileva J. and Zdesar U.; Staff dosimetry in interventional cardiology: survey on methods and level of exposure – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2008; 129:100-103.

Zoetelief J., Schultz F. W., Kottou S., Gray L., O’Connor U., Salat D., Kepler K., Kaplanis P., Jankowski J., Schreiner A., and Vassileva J.; Quality control measurements for fluoroscopy systems in eight countries participating in the SENTINEL EU coordination action – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2008; 129: 237-243.

Padovani R., Trianni A., Bokou C., Bosmans H., Jankowski J., Kottou S., Kepler K., Malone J., Tsapaki V., Salat D., Vano E. and Vassileva J.; Survey on performance assessment of cardiac angiography systems – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2008; 129:108-111.

Gallagher A., Dowling A., Devine M., Bosmans H., Kaplanis P., Zdesar U., Vassileva J. and Malone J. F.; European survey of dental X-ray equipment – Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2008; 129: 284-287.

Avramova-Cholakova S., Vassileva J.; Pilot study of patient and phantom breast dose measurements in Bulgaria – Pol. J. Med. Phys. Eng. 2008; 14(1): 21-32.

Slavchev A., Avramova-Cholakova S., Vassileva J.; National protocol for quality assurance in DXA – bone densitometry – Pol. J. Med. Phys. Eng. 2008; 14(4): 207-215.

Stoyanov D., Vassileva J.; Influence of exposure parameters on patient dose and image noise in computed tomography – Pol. J. Med. Phys. Eng. 2008; 14(4): 207-215.

Vassileva J., Stoyanov D.; Pilot survey of patient dose from computed tomography in Bulgaria – Proceedings of the XII International congres of IRPA, Buenos Aires, 19-24 October 2008, 608/TCIII.3.1/3048

Борисова Р., Василева Ж.; Национално проучване на лъчевото натоварване в интервенционалната рентгенология – първи резултати; Рентгенология и радиология, 2008; 4: 274-286.

Avramova-Cholakova S., Trifonov L., Vassileva J.; Image quality and dose in X-ray mammography – Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Biomedical Physics and Engineering, Sofia, 16-18 October 2008, 89-90.

Avramova-Cholakova S., Vassileva J.; Determination of mean glandural dose on patients and phantom in X-ray mammography – Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Biomedical Physics and Engineering, Sofia, 16-18 October 2008, 64-65.

Vassileva J., Rashkova R., Dimov A., Antonova K.; Results from the three years quality control in conventional radiography – Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Biomedical Physics and Engineering, Sofia, 16-18 October 2008, 83-84.

Borisova R., Vassileva J.; Patient dose in interventional cardiology: Influence of angiography system type and parameters – Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Biomedical Physics and Engineering, Sofia, 16-18 October 2008, 91-92.

Stoyanov D., Vassileva J.; Practical methods for estimation of effective dose for computed tomography examinations – Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Biomedical Physics and Engineering, Sofia, 16-18 October 2008, 87-88.