NATO – „A Sеnsor Nеtwork for the localization and identification of Rеdiation sources“
Project „Study of the collective dose to the population of Europe from medical exposure“ (DDM2); contract – ENER/10/NUCL/SI 2.581237; Duration: 36 months (2010-2013), BG coordinator: J. Vassileva, PhD, Assoc. Prof., NCRRP
Project „Realizing the European Network in Biodoimetry“ (RENEB) – Duration: 48 months (2012-2015); BG coordinator: V. Hadjidekova, PhD, DSc, Radiation Genetics Laboratory, NCRRP
Project „Radiation background of Black Sea coastal environment“ (RACE) – BG coordinator: R. Totzeva, assoc. res. NCRRP
Project „Renovating the secondary standard dosimetric laboratory (SSDL) at the National Centre of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection“ – IAEA Program for technical collaboration for 2012-2013; Directives 96/29 and 97/43/Euratom
Project „Development and harmonization of national strategies by decreasing population radon exposure“ – IAEA Program for technical collaboration for 2012-2013; BG coordinator: K. Ivanova, assoc. res. Nuclear Facilities Inspectorate, NCRRP
Research project „Radiation processing of traditional bulgarian foods“ – Development of irradiated foods for immuno-compromised patients and other potential target groups; BG participant : Laboratory „Control of irradiated food“, NCRRP; BG coordinator: I. Rupova, PhD, Assoc. Prof., NCRRP
Project „Radiation and radiobiological research in the field of nuclear facilities of JINR and the environment“ – project funded by bilateral agreement 04-9-1077-2009/2011 between NCRRP and LRB – JINR, Dubna, Russia; BG participant: „Radiation Genetics“ laboratory; Coordinator: V. Hadjidekova, PhD, DSc.
Project „Radiation-induced interactions between heterodimere Ku70/80 and protein Mre11“ – project funded by bilaterral coopertion program between BULGARIA and GERMANY; Project Team Leaders: R. Boteva, PhD, DSc, Molecular Radiobiology and Prophylaxis Laboratory, NCRRP and G. Iliakis, PhD, DSc, Director IMRB, MedicalUniversity, Essen, Germany
Bilateral cooperation agreement with the University of Hiroshima, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine – NCRRP participant is „Radiation genetic“ laboratory.
Contracts with NPP „Kozloduy“:
- Project „Health status research of workers from strict regime area in „Kozloduy“ NPP“;
- Project „Individual dosimetric control with individual film dosimeters of 150 persons from the NPP „Kozloduy“, working with sources of ionizing radiation in 2012“.
Projects funded by the National Program Environment – Health:
- Project „Staff and patients radiation protection in medical procedures under X-ray control“;
- Project „Biomonitoring of risk population groups living around nuclear sites, for early detection of individuals with increased risk for malignancies and implementation of preventive actions“;
- Project „Control of radon levels in school buildings and kindergartens where children and adolescents spend most of their time in Kremikovtzi area“.
Program REMPAN – Since 2009 NCRRP is an associate member.
Program BioDoseNet – NCRRP participant is „Radiation genetic“ laboratory.
NCRRP professionals actively participate in the elaboration of legislation documents regulating all activities to protect the population from the effects of ionizing radiation:
Health Act and regulations related to its implementation;
Regulations establishing medical standards;
Regulations establishing medical standards;
Regulations related to the implementation of the Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy;
Proposals for amendment of regulations.
Participate in the preparation of documents from international organization on problems of radiation protection:
UNSCEAR reports for publics exposure to ionizing radiation (2000) and a summarized information of the use of ionizing radiation sources in Bulgaria (2008)
International Basic Safety Standards (IBSS), IAEA;
Directive of the Council of Europe for Basic Safety Standards (EBSS).
Take part in expert councils, working groups of national and international organizations:
Expert groups to state institutions;
Workgroups to create the technical documentation (TECDOC) and safety standards (SS) of IAEA;
The board of the European Association of Heads of European Radiological protection Competent Authorities (HERCA) and workgroups: European Radiation Passbook and Outside Workers (WG1), Medical Application (WGMA), Emergencies (WGE);
Expert group “E35-36WG”of the EC to implement the obligations under Art. 35 and Art. 36 of the Euratom Treaty;
WG Radiation and Nuclear Safety of EC under Art. 31 of the Euratom Treaty;
WG of the EC and the Council on Atomic issues;
WG 20 Ecology, sector “Radiation Safety”, Directorate „Ecol.ogy“ of the EC.
Others forms of expert activities:
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO)
Rapid Alert Systems for Food and Feed of EC (RASFF)
Rapid Exchange of information on Products in EU (RAPEX)
Response and Assistance Network of the IAEA (RANET)
Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network of the WHO (REMPAN)
Global Network for Biodosimetry of the WHO (BioDoseNet)
Participation in missions to assess the implementation of international projects.